A March spent at home was lovely but, like many others, I am totally over the amount of wet weather we have endured. I must admit that as we sprang forward to British Summer Time, I also had a little spring in my step as I walked the dog without getting wet, cold and muddy for the first time in what feels like forever.
Aside from the inclement weather, this month hasn’t quite panned out how I expected due to sustaining an injury. Rather than getting in four solid weeks of physical training, I have been restricted to shape and tone as I nurse a calve injury better. I now understand why I am often the designated medic onboard for an offshore race boat and it’s because I am absolutely the worst patient! I am finding recovery quite a challenge because as soon as I feel a bit better, the temptation to do too much is overwhelming. It has been a case of two steps forward and one step back but, despite taking longer than I anticipated, I am improving and refusing to let it hold me back too much.
Despite the physical niggle, I managed a great weekend with The Famous Project in Monaco, racing in the WLS Trophy on J70’s. I joined Alexia, Elodie and Annemieke for the two day regatta against 19 other all-female teams representing 13 nations. Plagued by light airs, the Race Committee managed three races for the ten boat fleet on day one and team rotations were carried out efficiently, ensuring we could get as much racing as possible in. We managed a 1st and two 2ndplaces on day one but we struggled to cling to the podium in the gold fleet on day two. Congratulations to all the teams and respect to the Dutch Giesbeek Girls who were outstanding winners, followed by the Swiss CVL team. We were happy to close out the podium on what was a fun weekend. Sailing in different environments, on different boats and with different competition really helps our development and team communication.

It is the time of year where meetings to close the first quarter of the year are scheduled for a number of my board and committee roles. Although everyone is understanding of my sailing schedule, being home has allowed me to attend and fulfil my obligations. It is always good to share thoughts, learn about new developments and help move conversations forward.
With Easter marking the start of spring and winter firmly behind us, we can all start looking ahead to the summer. I am hopeful that the weather will catch on at some point so we can get out and about to do the jobs we have been putting off for the last six months. Although my jobs list is long, my enthusiasm is limited for the less exciting chores so I need to muster some motivation before I head off sailing again.