This merry month of May has not been quite so merry. Yes, we can celebrate restrictions lifting in the UK and being able to meet loved ones once again, however, the weather has been super harsh. I am not sure I remember the last time we had hail storms in the month of May. I know we wanted some rain for the farmers and gardens but having double the monthly rainfall is a bit much and I think we are all ready for a bit of sunshine. Thankfully, we are able to meet indoors to enjoy hospitality so have had a welcome alternative to sitting outside in our winter woollies!
May has been sandwiched by offshore sailing. Our first UK Double Handed series event took place at the start of the month in super light airs and freezing temperatures. We will now finish the month with the second event in the series, the RORC Myth of Malham Race, which sails from Cowes, around the Eddystone Lighthouse off Plymouth and back to the Solent again. The long term forecast is looking lighter than the recent storm force winds we have experienced on recent weekends and also a fair bit warmer. So summer is showing signs that she is going to put in an appearance this year and I am really looking forward to this 230 mile race.
It has been so lovely to be able to see friends and family again. Numerous birthdays this month came at the perfect time to be able to celebrate with them in person after such a long time apart. I didn’t realise just how much I had missed people until I saw them. The conversation was non-stop as we tried to fit the past 12 months into the short time we spent together. It reminded me of the initial period immediately after completing my solo westabout circumnavigation, 15 years ago this month.
Having been at sea for six months and not spoken to anyone face to face, I literally talked non-stop for the first 24 hours to make up for lost time. The crew that jumped on the boat when I finished had to run a watch system to listen to me, as I made their ears bleed. For a shorthanded sailor, it seems I am quite sociable!