Well, November hurtled by at a pace and with emergence of sparkly dresses and glitter, we know what is just around the corner! Yes, it’s the Strictly Come Dancing final. My invitation to take part seems to have been lost in the post again this year but that’s probably for the best as I am needed elsewhere. More on that later.
I have been roaming a little in the last few weeks to deliver a number of speaking engagements in Birmingham, Oxford and London. I also popped into the Sky offices to catch up with the guys there and was pleased to see that they recently launched a #PassOnPlastic Reusable Range to help us stop using the top 5 worst culprits of single-use plastic. Designed by some celebrities, the range includes reusable bottles and coffee cups, 100% organic tote bags, cutlery sets and beeswax wraps. If you are looking for Christmas gift ideas that will benefit both the recipient and the planet, look no further https://skyoceanrescue.com/discover-the-passonplastic-reusable-range/
Following the official launch of the project earlier in the year, I wished Maiden and her crew well as they left Hamble for Plymouth two weeks ago. It was a slow start for the team but girl power has been in full force as skipper Nikki Henderson and her crew Belle, Tilly and Amelia have worked to address a few technical teething problems before heading south across the Bay of Biscay with some additional crew members. You can follow their journey via blog and vlog updates from the boat https://www.themaidenfactor.org/blog/2018/11/26/sweeping-across-the-bay-of-biscay/
Last weekend I spent time with family as we gathered for early Christmas celebrations. The reason for bringing our turkey dinner forward a month is because the Rolex Sydney Hobart race is calling. I am really excited to have been invited to join Stacey Jackson’s Ocean Respect Racing Team. An all female professional crew for this iconic race. In partnership with 11th Hour Racing, we will be able to continue promoting the UN Environment’s Clean Seas campaign. To find out more check out Ocean respect Racing’s social pages:
I fly out to Australia next week to start training and the Rolex Sydney Hobart Race begins on Boxing Day. More details on how you can follow the action will be posted just before Christmas.